The Ultimate Guide To Commercial Doors For Offices

The Ultimate Guide To Commercial Doors For Offices

Commercial doors are extremely different from those that you use at home and are made using various materials, depending on the kind of spaces they are supposed to be used in. This means, if you require doors for office spaces or industries, commercial doors are built in a way to suit all your requirements.

Additionally, commercial doors can be majorly differentiated between outdoor and indoor; the main entrance (outdoor) being robust, harder to open when unauthorized, and mostly bigger as compared to interior doors.

However, when it comes to these doors, they are pretty important not only for security reasons but also for enhancing the interiors of your workspace; after all, a productivity-inducing environment can give you limitless growth in your business. This is also why you should consider spending on commercial doors as an investment and trust experienced brands like Doorway Services for expert door repairs, maintenance, and new installations.

Now, if you’re looking for one for your commercial space, you need to know there are three types of commercial doors to choose from and they differ (in terms of their pros and cons) based on the material they’re built from.

That said, in this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the different commercial doors and what you need to consider before choosing one.

Let’s take a look!

1. Glass Doors 

glass doorsIf you wish to tilt your interiors towards a more sophisticated and timeless look, you could consider installing glass doors on your premises.

However, what you need to keep in mind is, this material comes with a lot of maintenance responsibilities, meaning you have to ensure it’s cleaned every single day. Moreover, the locking mechanisms (an absolute must) for a glass door are relatively on the expensive side; so you also need to be extra careful while closing them.

That said, don’t let the maintenance part overwhelm you. With a glass door installed on your premises, not only can you add a professional touch to the space but also create a ventilated and airy look!

Another benefit that you can reap from these doors is that you can get a double or single door installed in the workspace, based on what suits your budget.

2. Wooden Doors 

Wooden DoorsUnlike glass doors, wooden doors provide the ultimate privacy that one could ask for – thanks to its material. Put simply, since wood doesn’t allow you to look through a room, it creates a protective environment for your staff.

What’s more, given the material, these doors are extremely sturdy and long-lasting, meaning you don’t have to install a new one anytime soon.

However, wooden doors are generally used in residential houses; if used in an office space, they are generally seen to be amalgamated with semi-glass doors or are rather used in smaller, more private spaces within the office.

In commercial settings though, they are mostly used in industries with medical facilities where privacy is needed.

3. Metal Doors 

Metal DoorsMetal doors are the most common yet versatile type of doors that are used in an office setting. They are in their simplest form used as storeroom doors and built in a way that it is hollow from the inside.

Their versatility, however, will act as a benefit for you because you can easily run cables through them, drill holes into them according to your convenience, and more importantly, modify them by hanging brands and signs of your establishment.

To top that, they come with a certain fire rating, which means they will be able to hold a certain amount of temperature in case of a fire outbreak in the building.

Lastly, they have options like ‘right-hand outswing’ and vice versa, meaning they can be opened from the left-hand side or the right-hand side depending on your preferences.

Things to Consider Before Choosing Commercial Doors

Now that you know the different types of commercial doors, let’s take a look at the things you need to keep in mind before installing one of them.

1. Your Usage 

You should ideally begin shopping for commercial doors by considering the type of business you’re in. Next, you need to ask yourself whether you need these doors for the outside or the inside.

Depending on the answers that you get from these questions, choose a durable, weather-resistant material for an exterior door. This is because they will face varied climatic conditions every day. As for the indoors, the office rooms to be precise, shop for doors based on what these rooms will have. Will they hold appliances or house flammable chemicals and materials – based on this, make the final decision.

Moreover, according to the usage of the room, you should be choosing the materials but do make sure that the installed doors are fire and/or water-resistant.

The bottom line is, the ‘usage’ decides the size, material, and width of the commercial doors that you wish to install.

2. Your Budget 

Budget, in any field, is a huge factor that determines the type and quality of commercial doors you can afford to install.

Once you analyze the type of commercial door necessary for a particular space of your office, check if it fits your budget. If not, you should start looking for another best alternative.

Luckily, commercial doors are available in different levels of quality, so choosing the one that almost ticks all your checklist is relatively simple.

3. Desired Ambience 

People have often underestimated the power of first impressions that a door can make on your visitors.

In fact, they give your visitors an image of what they can expect out of your business. Thus, having quality, clean and presentable doors are a must for your business growth.

To Sum Up… 

Buying commercial doors is a pretty tough job, considering the things that you need to keep in check – the material, the usage, the looks you want, your budget, and so on.

It can become a never-ending nightmare but to avoid that from happening, outsource this task to an experienced service provider for expert solutions!


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