5 Smart tips to do SEO with Private Blog Networks (PBN)

how to do seo with private blog networks

Introduction to PBN SEO

If you aspire to rank higher on Google search results and look for new strategies, you are on the right page. The method of optimizing search engines with PBN links is possible when you know the right direction. Here, we will explain to you the 5 authentic ways to do SEO with private blog networks.

What is PBN?

PBN is the acronym of a private blog network. It is a network of websites that can bring backlinks to your money site (the website from which you earn money) and increase your visibility on Google search results.

The main reason people use PBN for SEO (search engine optimization) is its promptness. Otherwise, acquiring backlinks naturally and increasing website rank on any search engine may take a long time. Hence, many users get immense benefits from practicing SEO with private blog networks.

pbn seo tips

Here, we will know about the top 5 authentic ways to do SEO with private blog networks.

  1. PBN Link Building Strategy:

    Since PBN is costlier than organic SEO methods, you need to be extremely careful before you start building it. First, you must know how many PBN links you need to rank- depending upon the competitiveness of a niche you are in. Also, consider whether your on-page SEO is working well and how much domain authority your site has.

  2. The Numbers of PBN Links & Cost:

    For a medium competition keyword, eight to ten PBN links will help you rank well. A single website’s yearly cost could be $50 ($30 for 6 articles + $20 for hosting). It would then help if you structured your network depending upon the number of money sites and your niche.

  3. 301 Redirect:

    If you don’t know, it is a status code that indicates to the users and search engine a page has moved permanently. It passes page rank from the old URL to the new URL and existing webpages. If you are moving your site from HTTP host to the secured version, you should get an SSL certificate installed. With SEO spider tool and crawler software, you can quickly check your entire root domain URLs and fix them with 301 Redirect.

  4. Expired Domains as Money site:

    Several webmaster forums have an active market place to sell expired domains. It means you can trade links on forums or other areas and build expired domains into niche sites. Also, you can link to your other sites on those expired websites. If you can get a domain with a Page Rank of 5 or 6, there is a higher chance of success.

  5. Use Tiered PBN Backlinks: 

    Tiered link building is a method that involves building backlinks in tiers or layers to boost the power of your website backlinks. You can boost link juice rapidly with PBN backlinks on tier from the PBN websites or PBN service providers.

about pbn seo


Now that you know these 5 amazing tricks to do SEO with private blog networks go ahead and get the most out of it. You can easily search online for the best PBN hosting company, which offers you powerful hosting services and web solutions. To know more, you can feel free to get in touch with us.



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